Trip to Moldova

May 1-30 2023 -Two people were able to make the trip in May to help CMIAID with projects in Moldova. They do a great work touching people’s lives with kindness and giving the gospel at the same time. Since they will be starting children’s camps near the end of June, the activities were centered around preparation for their arrival.

There was a large helicopter cargo net that had been attached to a pole for the children to climb on. We firmly attached the safety nets and used another net for access so it was ready for use. The next project was to design and construct a deck around two trampolines.

To make it durable from weather it was determined to make it out of metal tubing for the frame and cover with composite decking boards. There were many posts to cement into the ground and many more small pieces to weld together for the frame. Everything was prepared for application, and the staff completed it after we left.

we were late getting through all the checks).  A typical long flight (10 hours) we arrived 3 hours later in Chicago and were able to be in bed at a friends house by 10 pm local time.  The next day we were home by noon.

Moldova Daily Report May 1-30, 2023

Day 1, May 16

The team had been narrowed down to two members, Fred and his grandson, Carter Welch.  We left home after lunch to make it to some friends near Milwaukee for supper and a drive to the airport.  The flight to Warsaw, Poland left at 9:45 pm.

Day 2, May 17

This becomes a short, yet long day as we are running against the time change.  We left Chicago at 9:45, ate a meal at 11:30 our beginning time, tried sleeping until the breakfast/lunch sandwich about five hours later so we could land at Warsaw about 1:15 pm local time the next day after about an 8½ hour trip.  A half hour to stretch our legs, the on another two-hour flight to Chisinau, Moldova, to arrive at 5:30 local time.   Immigration was less complicated than some countries as they checked our passports, and we were in.  A 2½ hour ride plus supper and we arrived at the base at 10:00 pm, in time to sleep after a long day.

Day 3, May 18

After breakfast and the daily prayer meeting Dan showed us around the work CMIAID are doing and the many ways the Lord has grown the work.  The base is where several of the workers live, where one of the fire stations is located, where the youth group meets, where all the workers gather for prayer, and where the camp meets, and probably more.  Across the street there has been an expansion for housing maintenance and storage.  In town (the base is seemingly near the edge of town) they have been given a 5-story building that is used in many different ways, from a coffee shop, to teaching school to the worker’s children, to drama locations for school children, to teacher helps, to apartments.  The front yard has many “stalls” used at Christmas to each individually give the gospel.  They have 10,000 people come through.  Every contact with the work has an emphasis of giving the gospel even as they minister to the community.

After looking at possible projects it was determined that the playground used for the children’s camp this coming summer was the most important project.  They had draped a helicopter cargo net from a pole to be used for climbing on.  Some of the protective nets around the edge had come loose and much of the support was done by zip ties.  Our work was to wrap all the connections along each edge with a rope to hold them together securely.  In the evening there was a birthday party and an evening of fellowship.  We made the electrical connections and were able to talk with our families before bed.

Day 4, May 19

Breakfast and prayer and we returned to work on the net.  By the afternoon we had everything wrapped together, the holes at the pole repaired, and the approach in place.  Our next job was to set a playground set they had acquired, including the cement  at the bottom of the poles.  Post hole digging equipment was nil, so it was easier to dig the holes with shovels.  By evening the tower was set in place.

They held youth group here with about 60-80 kids as normal attendance.  This put supper later, so I was able to start catching up on some of these notes.  After a late supper the evening was spent playing a speed Rummikub.

Day 5, May 20

This is the weekend, and the schedule has a noticeable change.  Breakfast was relaxed and there was no prayer meeting.  We went to work to finish off the playground set.  The set consists of a tower platform, a stairs, a slide, and the attached swing.  We dug in the stairs, set the swing attachment and then attached the slide.  After lunch we finished off the work and cleaned up the trash and tools.  Since there was no direct instruction for the next project, we inspected the shell of an airplane (very interesting for Carter) and relaxed.  This allowed me to get the progress and experiences out.  After supper Carter and I took a walk through part of the town, then joined a group conversation.  Things are going well and we look forward to tomorrow and being with the Lord’s people.