Get Involved

How can you help?

There are many ways:

Pray for Us

We are always in need of the help of our Lord in our work. Please intercede with the Lord on our behalf. It is our greatest need!

Join a Team

We can’t serve the saints the way we do without teams. Each team needs people. Have you considered joining a team?

Support a Team

Each team we send out has expenses. These include travel expenses, equipment costs, and other expenses. Please consider supporting a team.

Lead a Team

Every team needs leaders who can guide the team in the completion of the project. If you are interested in leading a team please contact us.

Support Financially

We don’t charge for the services we provide. There are regular expenses and costs associated with each trip. Please consider helping us help the saints.

Provide Project Ideas

We always need more projects to begin considering and planning. If you know of a project need please let us know about it.

Sign Up for Our Newsletter

By signing up for our newsletter you ensure that you will get the latest news. You will then know how you can partner with us in prayer.

Follow Us on Facebook

Following our Facebook page allows you to keep up-to-date with what our teams are doing, and how you can be praying for us.

Tell Others about Us

Tell possible team members, prayer partners, missionaries in need of help. There are many people who you can tell about us.