Peru trip April 19-May

Two grops left and started the work of rebuilding the wall on new meeting building. see progress below.

This is starting out late as there has been much going on and  an update has been put off.  Note the last sentence request for prayer.

Peru 2024

Day 1, Friday April 19

            Jonathan, Dick and Justin left from Miam on Friday with an overnight flight to Lima. 

            Mario and Carlos had arrived from Chile on Thursday and started digging a trench for the foundation.

Day 2, Saturday April 20

After a hotel stay and a few complications they were on the road to Ica, taking 2 hours to get out of Lima, and another 4 ½ hour drive they arrived in Ica but a billfold was lost on the way, which could not be reported to the police until Monday.

            In the meantime, Nadia flew into Chicago, Elias completed a national Bible Quizzing tournament, and Fred had joined in watching the tournament with Sue, the Welch family and many other quizzers and parents.  Though Elias was on a younger team, he considers they had done well.

Day 3, Sunday April 21

            The team in Ica went to the local assembly, with Jonathan speaking.  After lunch they installed a water heater for Becky, the missionary, then went to the sand dunes nearby.  Yes, this is a desert area and there is sand on the mountains.

            Nadia joined her hosts at a meeting in Palos Hills, near Chicago IL.

            Fred and Elias joined with the believers in Rockford, IL before meeting Nadia and be taken by friends to Midway Airport for and overnight flight to Atlanta, and then to Lima.

Day 4, Monday April 22

            The three arrived in Lima at 5:20 am, waited for the taxi, had an exciting ride across Lima to the bus station, then a 4 ½ hour ride to Ica.  The ride allowed us to catch up on the missed sleep from the overnight flight.  After a late lunch, dropping off our suitcases and changing clothes, we finally arrived at the work site, where the work was in progress.  The team was assembled.

The early arrivals had turned in the police report, acquired a few supplies, and started the destruction and digging.  Much had been accomplished on the first day.  After supper there was much discussion about the size and location of the wall foundations.  All were willing to turn in early.

Day 5, Tuesday April 23

            After breakfast and devotions, we headed to the work site.  We are putting a wall next to the neighbor, and it needs a good foundation, just like our lives need a good foundation.  Consequently, the trench needed to be widened and deepened.  A big backhoe came to help us remove some cement and haul away our trash.  He just fit through the gate.  Plans were made for putting in the bathroom and purchasing supplies.  Buildings are built using cement pillars with imbedded rebar, so a cage was built.  Work quits at sundown which arrives at 6:00 (we are near the equator. Supper tends to be later, then we had a good Bible discussion afterwards until bedtime.

Day 6, Wednesday April 24

            Breakfast, devotions, and back to work.  Some changes were made overnight, resulting in the need to widen the holes for the pillars.  This requires cutting and chiseling through cement and rocks.  The backhoe arrived again today and helped greatly by tearing out more buried concrete and rocks.  Now we are left with leveling the ground in preparation for pouring cement another day.  Over the days we have collected a pile of rocks we can use in the foundation.   Preliminary leveling has occurred, the plumbing for the bathroom is in place, a tank has been placed to the roof to supply water, as permanent shade has been temporally installed (makes for better working conditions, and a rebar form for the columns was m

ade.  A comment on the water, it is only supplied from 4 to 6 in the afternoon, so a tank is necessary for a reserve.  Three of the crew are not feeling well, but not really serious.  Please pray for their health to return and the rest to remain healthy.

Day 7, Thursday April 25            Breakfast, devotions, and to the work.  A couple of us worked on tying the rebar for the pillars.  Quickly the gravel was delivered and the rest went to work bringing in the gravel and leveling it to bring the base up in preparation for pouring concrete tomorrow.  Once the pillar rebar was completed, they were set in place and gravel was leveled for the foundation.  Forms are being set in place for the concrete and another partial load of gravel was delivered.  The day was a little slower as preparation was completed in anticipation of tomorrow.

Day 8, Friday April 26

            The day started out a little bit in the relaxing mode as we thought we were set up and ready for the ready-mix concrete that was to come at 11.  We arrived at the work site a little later than normal, then did a little more set up until the concrete truck arrived.  Immediately the full attention is on getting the concrete from the truck at the gate into the foundation ditch and get rocks included for strength.  Men are wheeling wheelbarrows full of concrete, and some are moving rocks by wheelbarrow full to get them closer, while others are pushing the rocks down into the concrete.  Then there is the leveling off to a string that moves.  More concrete is poured for the bathroom area and it is discovered that instead of the minimum order of 5 cubic meters they had brought 6, which is more than we had prepared for, so there was a scramble to set more forms to use the concrete.  Concrete cannot be left to sit for a break (nor does the driver have time to wait), so lunch was after we had finished, about 3 pm.  We were all worn out from the work, so we cleaned up, ending a little early.  Though everyone was completely tired, we then proceeded to the local assembly prayer meeting.  Typically, one of us was asked to speak, and one of our men had to do the translating!  (This was his first time translating a sermon and he lacks the Christian verbiage as Spanish was learned before he became a Christian.)  Supper afterwards and everyone headed to bed early.

Day 9, Saturday April 27

            Morning seemed to come sooner than desired, but the workday needed to start.  The concrete poured yesterday had set enough to walk on, so the activities were preparation for the next concrete pour.  All day there was anticipation of being able to pour more foundation for the wall along one side of the property.  The brick courses for the wall needed to be determined to set the foundation height.  The wall columns needed to be straightened and tied in place.  Forms material had been purchased, put in place, and rebar inserted.  During this time plans were being executed to build the walls of the bathroom.  By the end of the day everyone was tired, but the foundation was prepared for pouring, but not today.  With curing, our work has been extended a day.  Walls were starting to be placed for the bathroom.  It was a good day, but we are glad tomorrow is a day of rest.

Day 10, Sunday April 28

            The Lord’s day and we get to meet with believers in a new place!  The morning was about as one would expect in the U. S.: breaking of bread at 9:00, break and teaching meeting by Fred, then a Sunday school for everyone.  The men met as a group and answered questions about their spiritual life.  Then the benches were rearranged again, and people were served lunch.  We headed back to our accommodations and got some rest from the week of work.  About 6 pm we were picked up to travel to another meeting at 7 pm in another city close to Ica.  There everything was put together—a few hymns, a sermon by Jonathan, a few more hymns and comments, then the distribution of the bread and wine.  Afterward we were taken out to supper by one of the elders and finally home about 11 pm.  Glad we were able to get an afternoon rest.  The “kids” and Justin from  Mountain Top Camp went to a youth meeting and were home when we arrived at 11.

Day 11, Monday April 29

            Back to work.  Forms were ready, but needed some bracing, and a concrete mixer with operator arrived at 9 to pour the second foundation.  A couple men placed a wall on the bathroom so concrete can be poured against it, then continued the work throughout the day.  After the wall was finished some concrete was poured around and in the bathroom, and some more of the floor was formed and poured.  Lunch was at our usual time and some more cement was purchased and a little more floor was poured.  The door to the bathroom was hung, and we were able to leave early.  We discovered we may have gained our lost day back as the brick wall can go up in two days.  With showers, a little relaxing, a couple from the assembly that speaks some English have arrived and will likely take the after supper conversation.